Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
We've selected all the features of our cloud website hosting plansin a way, to help with the success of any type of website hosted on our state-of-the-art cloud system. The website traffic that your account can produce makes no exception, that's why with a web hosting plan through us, you will not have to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any moment. You will be able to host multiple small and medium-sized sites and make sure that your monthly traffic quota won't be a setback for their growth. Furthermore, we offer you detailed monthly, daily and hourly statistics which will give you extra details about the website traffic that a given web site produces or which page/file is being downloaded the most and produces most of the traffic. This data can help you arrange the management of your web sites and your marketing strategies better.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As our semi-dedicated hosting services are quite powerful, we have made the decision not to set any restriction for the monthly website traffic that an account can produce. We consider that if you get a web hosting plan that features a great deal of computing power, your sites will most probably have many visitors and since every visitor produces a part of the website traffic, you can end up getting inaccessible web sites in case there was any restriction for this particular feature. With truly unrestricted website traffic, you can be sure this cannot happen. For your benefit, you will be able to monitor the data being downloaded along with the site traffic that is generated for each domain with monthly, daily and hourly numbers that will give you an idea how popular your websites are. You'll be able to even view the pages and files which have made most of the site traffic in the semi-dedicated account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
The monthly traffic allowance for our VPS is proportionate to the other server’s system resources. When you get a more powerful server, it's more likely that you will host a very popular web site or even a variety of websites, therefore there will be a lot more site visitors. By reason of this, the greater plan you get, the greater monthly website traffic quota you will have. We will let you know if you reach 90% of that amount, so you will have enough time to take action and either update the plan or optimize your web sites and decrease the website traffic that they generate until the counter resets the following month. If you choose to update, this can be done via your billing Control Panel and with no more than a couple of clicks. You'll also be able to view the amount of website traffic your server has already made and what amount is left until you get to the monthly restriction. This info will be available in the VPS management panel where you're also able to reboot your server and view the employment of all other system resources for instance hard disk space, CPU load or physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
The Linux dedicated hosting that we provide feature great site traffic quotas which are enough for any kind of website, even a video streaming portal or a preferred social network. Terabytes of traffic will be at your disposal each month and the management panel that comes with each and every dedicated server will give you data how much info has been transferred already and how much is available for the present month. To avoid service interruptions, we'll inform you as soon as you reach 90% of your quota and you are able to either lower the site traffic made by your websites by optimizing their content material, or you'll be able to increase the quota for your account. It's highly unlikely that you'll ever need such an update, yet we decided to leave this option open. The stats in that panel feature the full traffic, compared to the data inside your hosting Control Panel where you will find just the traffic from web sites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.