Each time you upload information on a web hosting server, you will need an amount of space on the hard disk depending on its size. When you run a script-driven internet site which stores its info in a database, it will require more space, the more people make use of it. For example, if you have a discussion board, the more opinions people write, the larger the database gets. E-mail messages, especially ones using attachments, also take some disk space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota you get with your cloud website hosting provider is the full amount of info you could have at any given moment, which includes web site files, messages plus databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard drive and the software programs installed on it as well as all documents and / or music files that you create or download take some disk space, which can't surpass the overall capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

Using our cloud website hosting plans, you will never concern yourself with disk space. While most companies make accounts using just a single server and sooner or later all the server disk storage will be in use, we've applied a cloud website hosting platform in which the files, emails and the databases are handled by different groups of servers. By doing this, each and every machine performs better because just one type of processes is working on it, and the hard disk space is unlimited since we will always connect extra servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, based on whether we'd like extra processing power or perhaps more storage space. You won't ever be in a situation in which you are not able to upload more files as there is no free disk space on your server, which is a problem you can encounter with various suppliers. When you use our website hosting services, you can rest assured that restricted space will never be a setback for the growth of your sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a characteristic in order to highlight that it's absolutely limitless. We can achieve that by using a groundbreaking, tailor-made cloud hosting platform, where your files, databases and emails will be located on independent clusters of servers. We can add additional hard disks or entire servers to any of the clusters and whenever needed, and furthermore our hosting Control Panel was created to support such a system. In comparison, the vast majority of Control Panels on the web hosting market can function only on one server, and irrespective of what the majority of companies promote, they really generate a number of accounts on a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server package from us, you'll never have to worry about hdd storage limits and you will be able to direct your attention to expanding your sites.

Disk Space in VPS

For all our VPS, our company offers sufficient disk space for all your content that matches the other server capabilities, which means that a more expensive plan comes with a larger quota. You'll be able to use the storage as you can see fit, because there are no specific quotas for your site files, emails or databases - all of them share the overall storage space on the server. Still, when you'd like to have some limits, you'll be able to buy your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and you will be able to generate hosting accounts with a fixed amount of hard disk storage for every individual domain name that you host on the server. In case you want additional storage space at some point, you are able to easily upgrade your plan with a few clicks and the extra features will be included with your current account, so you won't be expected to migrate anything at all and your web sites will stay up and running.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Using our Linux dedicated hosting you'll get all the hdd space that you'll need for your websites, databases, e-mail messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage space will be available and not shared with anyone else, so you can upload all the information you'll need - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, and so on. You'll get at least 2 separate hard disks that function well in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other one in real time in order to make sure that all of your important data is always secured. If you like, you will be able to use the disks individually and make use of the entire storage space the way you see fit. When needed, you'll be able to get extra hard disk drives connected to the server and enjoy even more disk space. You will have the option to set up web hosting accounts with fixed hard disk space allocations if you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel. With Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel option on the order page, all of the domains hosted on the server will share the HDD space and they will be controlled via one account. In either case, our dedicated plans will satisfy your demands no matter what kind of site you wish to host.