Should you ever face a problem with your site and be unable to tackle it yourself, ask the respective hosting company’s technical support staff to assist you to get the website back online. A timely resolution would be the best-case scenario, but a lot of hosting companies reply within twenty four hours and even more, all the more so if you are dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be swiftly fixed, your site may not work correctly or it may not be reachable at all for a lengthy interval, so you may lose prospective clients since it is pretty unlikely that anyone will enthusiastically return to a broken site. This is why, you need to make certain not only that you can reach your hosting provider, but also that they can respond and help you in a timely manner. If an application update does not go as planned or you erase something unintentionally, for instance, the website must be restored speedily so as to prevent long unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

Our Linux cloud website hosting come bundled with a sixty-minute response time guarantee, so regardless of what question or predicament you may have, we’ll always be there to lend a helping hand. As a matter of fact, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue sorted out or an enquiry answered, and this is valid for both technical and sales matters. Our support staff representatives will be at your service 24/7, even on weekends and national holidays, which goes to say that you will get prompt assistance at all times. We are aware of just how priceless time can be, so by the time we respond to your e-mail or trouble ticket, we’ll have enquired into the matter and, in case we haven’t resolved it, we’ll give you more details on what you have to do on your end – when the case requires it. With our support services, you can rest assured that there will be someone to lend you a hand momentarily, regardless of what time of day or night it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We promise that if you submit a ticket through your web hosting Control Panel or write an email connected with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll have an answer within no more than sixty minutes. You can touch base with us whenever you wish with regards to billing, technical or general matters and given that we’re on duty 24 hours a day, you will always obtain help in a timely manner. Based on the particular question or issue, we’ll provide you with more details, resolve the predicament if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or instruct you on what steps to take if you have to adjust a particular setting for a web-based app that we can’t access. You can just forget about waiting around for a whole day for each and every response. As it is, in the majority of cases we answer tickets and emails within no more than 20-25 minutes.