Setup Fee in Cloud Website Hosting
Our cloud website hosting packages lack any setup costs or any other hidden charges as a general rule. When you order an account, we will process your payment right away then the account will be created and activated from our system instantly. The overall price that you'll need to pay for your hosting package is the same all around - on the front, order and payment pages, and you will not find or be charged anything on top of that cost any time. This is valid even when you order numerous accounts because it's our principle that creating trust is far more important than gaining several more dollars. Your account activation is real-time, which means that you'll be able to proceed and start creating your websites straight away.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server plans do not have any kind of setup fees, so if you get a new account, your total fee for the first month is identical for the future renewals. Considering the fact that it takes us a couple of minutes to create and activate your new semi-dedicated account, we think that it wouldn't be right to charge you a dime for that. You will see the very same amount on our front page, on your payment page as well as on your bank or PayPal statement and you won't ever have to pay any sort of extra costs. If you have an ordinary shared hosting account with our company and you need a more powerful solution, we will even relocate all of your data to the new semi-dedicated account free of cost.
Setup Fee in VPS
Every time you acquire a virtual private server from our company, all you will have to pay is the standard monthly fee for the package you've selected and this price will be identical each and every month that you use the server. We do not have any obscured or installation fees and we believe that creating a long-term business relationship that is based on trust is more important than charging you a couple of extra dollars with some obscured charge that you don't spot on the main page. We'll assemble the virtual server and install its OS in addition to all the needed software completely free of cost. If you obtain the VPS with our Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting package here, we will even move all your data to your brand-new server totally free.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Hosting
Our Linux dedicated hosting lack any installation or other concealed fees. During the signup process, you will pay only the monthly price for the package that you've chosen. As soon as you submit your order, we will assemble and test your new machine, and then we'll install all of the software that you will need in order to have a completely operational server - OS, hosting Control Panel in case you've chosen one, web server, MySQL, etcetera. All of the aforementioned activities are part of the plan and come completely free, therefore the signup payment and all of your future renewal payments will be identical. If the server comes with our tailor-made Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you already have a shared hosting account from our company, we will even transfer all of your content on your brand new server for free.